
B.Sc. in Communication Engineering

B.Sc. in Communication Engineering

The continued growth in all areas of communication technology means that communication engineering graduates are highly desired for positions in new product design and innovation, as well as product and systems management.

All types of modern communication, from mobile phones and satellites, to digital television and internet, require the skills of communication engineers and provide a platform for rapid career development.

The communication engineering B.Sc. program at Al Ghurair University offers students excellent quality education needed by highly qualified future communication engineers. The program gives the students the opportunity to select technical electives from a pool of courses.


Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.  

  • Graduates will meet the expectations of employers of Communication engineers.
  • Qualified graduates will pursue advanced study if they so desire.

Students graduating with a Communication Engineering degree will have the following abilities:

  1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
  2. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  3. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  4. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
  5. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  6. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  7. an ability to communicate effectively.
  8. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
  10. a knowledge of contemporary issues.
  11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Commuication Engineers are usually employed in industries such as telecommunications, satellite communications, media networks, police and armed forces, avionic, aerospace and transportation engineering, as well as power utilities, petroleum, and gas industries. They design, develop and test communication systems.

Career specializations within this field include:

  • design engineers
  • test engineers
  • research and development
  • project and technical managers

To be recommended for the degree of B.Sc. in Communication Engineering, students must satisfactorily complete the courses in the specified categories as set out below. The categories cover an extended set of requirements, including the Communication Engineering core and Technical Electives requirements. The normal length of the program is 140 credits.


Math/Science Requirement (8 credits)

To satisfy the College of Engineering requirements, Communication Engineering requires the following additional Math courses:

Course Code Course Name Credits 
MATH 311 Probability and Statistics with Discrete Maths 4 cr.
MATH 312 Complex Variables with Applications 4 cr.

Communication Engineering Core Requirements (55 credits)

Course Code Course Name Credits
ECCE 210 Digital Logic Design 4 cr.
ECCE 220 Electric Circuits 4 cr.
ECCE 230 Object Oriented Programming 3 cr.
ECCE 260 Principles of Telecommunications 3 cr.
ECCE 302 Signal Processing 4 cr.
ECCE 312 Electronic Circuits and Devices  4 cr.
ECCE 316 Microprocessor Systems 4 cr. 
ECCE 320 Applied Electromagnetics 3 cr.
ECCE 360 Communication Systems 4 cr.
ECCE 362 Digital Communications I 3 cr. 
ECCE 364 Information Theory 3 cr.
ECCE 370 Communication Networks 3 cr. 
ECCE 470 Antennas and Propagation 3 cr. 
ECCE 497 Senior Design Project I 3 cr. 
ECCE 498 Senior Design Project II 3 cr. 
ENGR 399 Engineering Internship  1 cr.

Communication Engineering - Technical Electives (18 credits)

Students are required to take a total of 9 credits (three courses) from ECE department technical electives list. At most 3 credits of the technical electives may be at 300-level and at most 3 credits may be independent study. Students can choose any course from the list to satisfy both their technical and/or free elective requirements as long as it is not a core requirement course for their program. Additional courses may be approved by the department as technical electives.

ECCE 320 Applied Electromagnetics 3 cr.
ECCE 360 Communication Systems 4 cr.
ECCE 362 Digital Communications I 3 cr.
ECCE 364 Information Theory 3 cr.
ECCE 370 or 356 Communication Networks or Computer Networks 3 cr. or 4 cr.
ECCE 391 Independent Study I 1-3 cr.
ECCE 460  Wireless Communications 3 cr.
ECCE 470  Antennas and Propagation 3 cr.
ECCE 461 Digital Communications II 3 cr.
ECCE 462 Modulation and Coding Techniques 3 cr.
ECCE 472 Optical Communications 3 cr.
ECCE 484 Broadband Telecommunications 3 cr.
ECCE 484  Satellite Communications 3 cr.
ECCE 336 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 cr.
ECCE 350 Computer Architecture and Organization 3 cr.
ECCE 354  Operating Systems  3 cr. 
ECCE 342 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 cr.
ECCE 330 System Analysis and Design 3 cr.
ECCE 341 Java and Network Programming 3 cr.
ECCE 432 Introduction to Human Computer Interfaces 3 cr. 
ECCE 434 Database Systems 3 cr.
ECCE 436 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3 cr.
ECCE 438 Software Architecture 3 cr.
ECCE 440 Distributed Systems 3 cr.
ECCE 444 Computer Security  3 cr.
ECCE 446 Network Security  3 cr.
ECCE 448 Cloud Infrastructure and Services 3 cr.
ECCE 454 Artificial Intelligence 3 cr.
ECCE 326 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices  4 cr.
ECCE 324 Electromechanical Systems 4 cr.
ECCE 415 Feedback Control Systems 4 cr.
ECCE 401 Filter Synthesis 3 cr.
ECCE 404 Microwave Circuits and Devices 3 cr.
ECCE 406 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 cr.
ECCE 408 Digital Systems Design  3 cr.
ECCE 410 VLSI Systems Design 3 cr.
ECCE 411 Analog Integrated Circuits Design 3 cr.
ECCE 421 Power System Analysis  3 cr.
ECCE 422 High Voltage Engineering  3 cr.
ECCE 423 Power Electronics 3 cr.
ECCE 425 Power System Stability and Control 3 cr.
ECCE 426 Power Electronics for Renewables Integration  3 cr.
ECCE 450 Embedded Systems 3 cr.
ECCE 456 Image Processing and Analysis 3 cr.
ECCE 491 Independent Study II 1-3 cr.
ECCE 495 Special Topics in ECE  3 cr.

ECCE 210 Digital Logic Design (3-3-4)
Prerequisite: ENGR 112

Data representation in digital computers. Boolean algebra. Minimization and implementation of logic functions. Design of combinational circuits. Programmable devices, multiplexers, decoders, memory and tri-state devices. Basic ALU design. Elements of sequential circuits: latches, flip-flops and counters. Design of synchronous sequential machines. Introduction to CAD tools and hardware description languages. Laboratory experiments provide hands-on experience in the simulation, implementation and testing of combinational and sequential logic circuits.

ECCE 220 Electric Circuits (3-3-4)
Prerequisites: MATH 211; PHYS 122

Voltage and current independent and dependent sources. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. Circuit theorems: Nodal and Mesh analysis, superposition and source transformation, Thevenin, Norton and maximum power transfer theorem. Transient and step responses of first-order and second-order RC, RL and RLC circuits. Phasor representation and steady state AC analysis. Transfer function of filter circuits and Bode plot. Poles and zeros of AC circuits and their resonance, bandwidth and quality factors. Two-Port Networks

ECCE 230 Object-Oriented Programming (2-3-3)
Prerequisite: ENGR112

Foundation of object oriented concepts and programming. Basic Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts: objects, classes, methods, parameter passing, information hiding, inheritance, exception handling and polymorphism. Java language elements and characteristics, including data types, operators, control structures, search and sort algorithms.

ECCE 260 Principles of Telecommunications (3-0-3)
Co-requisites: MATH 312; ECCE 220

Review and terminology of telecommunications. Basics on telecommunication signals. The basic elements of a telecommunications system. Communications channels, characteristics and modelling. Performance metrics of telecommunication systems; PCM, data transmission, and data encoding. Basics on Modulation. Data multiplexing techniques; The OSI model, types and basic topologies of telecommunication networks; Internet-based networking. Cellular and ad-hoc wireless networks.

ECCE 302 Signal Processing (3-3-4)
Prerequisites: MATH 312
Co-requisite: ECCE 220

Time/space-domain analysis of analog and discrete signals: basic signals, properties and operations. Time/space-domain analysis of signal processing systems: properties, block diagrams, differential/difference equations, LTI systems, impulse response, and convolution. Frequency analysis of signals: Fourier series and transform, sampling and reconstruction, Laplace transform and z-transform, other transforms. Frequency analysis of signal processing systems: frequency response (gain and phase), transfer function, z-transfer function, stability analysis, Bode and Nyquist plots. Fundamentals of filter design. Laboratory experiments covering various aspects of analog and digital signal processing supplement the course.

ECCE 360 Communication Systems (3-3-4)
Prerequisite: MATH 312; ECCE 260
Co-requisite: ECCE 302

Introduction: Classification of signals, Review of Fourier series and transforms, Introduction to modulation, Linear and non-linear modulation: DSB-AM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, FM, PM, Base-band transmission: PCM, PAM, Noise effects in analogue & pulse modulations, Multiplexing: Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Principles of operations of telephony.

ECCE 362 Digital Communications I (2-3-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 360

Waveform Coding: PCM, DPCM and DM. Baseband Digital Signals: NRZ and RZ signals and line coding, baseband pulse shaping for ISI-free transmission, eye diagrams and equalization. Band pass Digital Modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK and DPSK, power spectral densities, statistical decision theory and the optimum receiver for digital modulation schemes. Carrier and timing recovery.

ECCE 364 Information Theory (3-0-3)
Prerequisites: ECCE 360; MATH 311

History of information theory, Information measure, Entropy, Information rate, Memory less sources, Sources with memory, Information transmission on discrete channels (mutual information, discrete channel capacity), Continuous channel, Channel capacity, Shannon theory, Coding applications (Huffman coding), Fundamentals of statistical decision theory.

ECCE 370 Communication Networks (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 360

Basic data and telecommunication networks, OSI Model, Network configuration, Circuit switching, packet switching, Basic switch design, Space and time division switching, Traffic fundamentals, Erlang capacity, Basic traffic models, Signaling systems, SS7 standard, Multiplexing, FDM, TDM, CDM, WDM, Medium access control, Framing and digital carrier systems, SDH, ATM protocols and standards, ISDN, xDSL, , IP based networks, MPLS technology.

ECCE 391 Independent Study I (Variable course credits from 1 to 3)
Prerequisite: Junior standing and approval of the department

This course gives an undergraduate student the opportunity to participate in an individual or group oriented project, study and/or research study under direction of a faculty member. A formal report is required.

ECCE 460 Wireless Communications (3-0-3)
Prerequisites: ECCE 362 (or ECCE 356)

Introduction to modern wireless communications, Cellular communication fundamentals, Cellular design concepts, Interference and capacity, Trunking and traffic models, Air interface, Propagation models and mechanisms, Modulation, Coding, Multiple access techniques, Large/small scale fading, Diversity techniques, Wireless network structure and management, Standard wireless security protocols and mechanisms, Next generation wireless communication systems standards. Common wireless data network standards, Wireless applications.

ECCE 461 Digital Communications II (3-0-3)
Prerequisites: ECCE 362 or ECCE 356
Introduction to 2G and 3G wireless communications, Communication Channel Models: AWGN, multipath fading, delay spread, Doppler spread, impulsive noise, MIMO channels, colored noise. Equalization Methods: decision feedback equalization, linear and non-linear equalization, Maximum likelihood sequence estimator, minimum-mean-square error methods, adaptive equalization, Spread Spectrum Techniques: CDMA, direct sequence and frequency hopping methods, OFDM, Smart Antenna Systems.

ECCE 462 Modulation and Coding Techniques (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 362 or ECCE 356

Advanced Modulation Techniques: M-ary orthogonal and non-orthogonal signals with coherent and non-coherent detection. Design Trade-Offs: The bandwidth efficiency plane, the error probability planes. Advanced Channel Coding Techniques: Cyclic and convolution codes, Interleaving, Turbo codes, Puncturing, block and trellis coded modulation, space-time coding.

ECCE 470 Antennas and Propagation (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 320

Antenna fundamentals, Radiation from a short current dipole, far field approximation, Radiation pattern, and Radiation resistance. Radiation integral approach, dipole and monopole antennas, Image techniques, Antenna arrays, Broadside and end-fire arrays, Pattern multiplication, Pattern synthesis, Binomial and Chebyschev arrays, Aperture antennas, Fourier-transform method, Field equivalence principle, Sky-wave and space-wave propagation, line-of-sight microwave links.

ECCE 472 Optical Communications (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 320

Elements of optical communication systems; Slab and multi-layer planar waveguides, Optical fibers, Step-index and graded-index fibers, Single-mode and multi-mode fibers, Fiber attenuation and dispersion, Optical sources and transmitters, Light-emitting diodes, Semiconductor laser diodes, Optical detectors and receivers, Photodiodes, Optical system design, Types of noises and system impairments, Power budget, Power penalty; Dispersion compensation.

ECCE 482 Broadband Telecommunications (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 362 or ECCE 356

Traditional Cable Networks, Two way Hybrid Fiber/Coax Cable (HFC) Access Networks, Cable Modems, IP telephony, Competing Access Technologies, Optical Transmitters, Optical Receivers, Optical Amplifiers, Performance Analysis and Design of the Forward and Reverse Links, Cable Data Transport, SONET/SDH and RPR Systems.

ECCE 484 Satellite Communications (3-0-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 360 or ECCE 356

Overview of Satellite Services, Orbital Mechanics, transmission losses, the link budget power equation, system noise, carrier to noise ratio, the uplink, the downlink, the combined uplink and downlink carrier to noise, possible modes of interference, interference between the different satellite circuits, Satellite Access Techniques, Direct Broadcast Satellite Services, VSAT.

ECCE 491 Independent Study II (Variable course credits from 1 to 3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing and approval of the department

This course gives an undergraduate student the opportunity to participate in an individual or group oriented project, study and/or research study under direction of a faculty member. A formal report is required.

ECCE 495 Special Topics in Communication Engineering
Prerequisite: Topic specific

This course mainly deals with new trends in Communication Engineering and emerging technologies. Course is repeatable if title and content differ.

ECCE 497 Senior Design Project I (1-6-3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and approval of department

Students will pursue an in-depth project of significance in communication engineering by going from concept to working prototype. Some of the proposed design projects may involve interaction with industry. The students normally work in teams under faculty supervision. The project fosters teamwork between group members and allows students to develop their project management, technical writing, and technical presentation skills. Formal interim and final reports and presentations are required from each group.

ECCE 498 Senior Design Project II (0-9-3)
Prerequisite: ECCE 497

Continuation of ECCE 497.

The following is a typical sequence of study for a B.Sc. in Communication Engineering student:

Year 1

ENGL 111 English Communication I 4 cr. ENGL 112 English Communication II 4 cr.
MATH 111 Calculus I 4 cr. MATH 112 Calculus II 4 cr.
CHEM 115 Intro. to General Chemistry 4 cr. PHYS 121 University Physics I 4 cr.
ENGR 111 Engineering Design 4 cr. ENGR 112 Introduction to Computing 4 cr.
Summer HUMA/SOCS xxx 3 cr.

Year 2

MATH 211 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations 4 cr. MATH 311 Probability and Statistics with Discrete Mathematics 4 cr.
PHYS 122 University Physics II 4 cr. MATH 312 Complex Variables with Applications 4 cr.
HUMA XXX Humanities and Social Sciences 3 cr. ECCE 260 Principles of Telecommunications 3 cr.
ECCE 210 Digital Logic Design 4 cr. ECCE 220 Electric Circuits 4 cr.
ECCE 230 Object-Oriented Programming  3 cr. BUSS 201 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance 3 cr.
Summer HUMA/SOCS xxx 3 cr.
Year 3 ECCE 302 Signal Processing  4 cr. ECCE 362 Digital Communications I 3 cr.
ECCE 360 Communication Systems  4 cr. ECCE 370 Communication Networks 3 cr.
ECCE 320 Applied Electromagnetics 3 cr. ECCE 364 Information Theory  3 cr.
ECCE 312 Electronic Circuits and Devices  4 cr. ENGR 311 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Design 4 cr.
HUMA XXX Humanities and Social Sciences 3 cr. ECCE 316 Microprocessor Systems 4 cr.
Summer ENGR 399 Internship 1 cr.
Year 4 ECCE 460 Wireless Communications 3 cr. BUSS 301 Inside Organizations 3 cr.
Free Elective 3 cr. ECCE 470 Antenna and Propagation  3 cr.
Technical Elective  3 cr. Free Elective  3 cr.
Technical Elective 3 cr. Technical Elective 3 cr.
ECCE 497 Senior Project Design I 3 cr. ECCE 498 Senior Project Design II 3 cr.