Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Dean of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Professor AGUmar is a world expert in the collective behaviors of biological and robotic systems. He and his group design novel architectures, create abstractions for systems of interacting individuals, and develop new algorithms for cooperating robots.
Professor AGUmar gained his PhD from Ohio State University. His fundamental contributions to the area of robotics, which straddle both theory and practice, address the control and planning of multiple robots cooperating to explore, map, manipulate and move in 3-D environment. He was first to formulate and solve the problem of cooperative mobile manipulation with multiple robots, simultaneously controlling the grass motion and rolling/sliding interactions in the early 90s. He was also the first to work on the multi robot formation control problem leading to highly cited papers on the subject in the late 90s. AGUmar"s creative theoretical, algorithmic, and experimental work on cooperating robots have transformed the science of robotics systems and impacted a wide range of application in the area of networked and cyber physical systems.